Sports enthusiasts established this organization as Kalika Sports Club (KSC) in 1981. In its initial period, KSC aimed at preservation and promotion of sports and cultural activities. It entered into social sectorin 1992 and since then working to achieve its vision of a self-reliant society. Along with the shift in focus it also changed its name from KSC to KSSC (Kalika Self-reliance Social Centre) in 1997. KSSC is a non-governmental social development organization working for positive changes in society.
The popular uprising of 1990 fueled people’s aspirations for development, created opportunities and posed challenges. In absence of Non-State actors to address those challenges in Kapilvastu, Kalika took upon itself the task of stepping into the vacuum and taking lead in development initiatives. Thus the Sports Club came to spend more time, resource and energy in social development works and less in sports.
Poor literacy, conservative mind-set, superstitions, continues to contribute to violence and exploitation of women and girl children. Child marriage, exclusion of girls from school, patriarchy, gender discrimination, unequal and unfair workload to women, keeping Muslim girls from school, are some of evils besetting social life in Kapilvastu.
To overcome from these problems and issues, we have been conducting various activities such as Self-help Initiative Promotion, Institutional Capacity Building of local NGOs, Education, Health & Nutrition, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Climate Change, Women Right & Empowerment, Agriculture Development, Farm base and Off-Farm base Income Generation Supports, Child Right, Livelihood, Human Rights and Public Advocacy, Good Governance, Conflict transformation in partnership with different donor Agencies across Kapilvastu, Rupandehi, Nawalparshi and Bhojpur district.
- Improve quality of life of target community by facilitating their access to quality health care, education, livelihood means, resources and so on,
- Conduct activities aimed at fighting HIV/AIDS, child marriage, dowry, and other social/cultural ills
- Advocate and implement activities in favor of HIV/AIDS infected and affected families, counseling/ Oral Substitutions Therapy (OST) services for People with Intra-veinous Drugs (PWIDs),
- Intensify ODF (Open Defecation Free) campaign and put an end to open defecation practices
- Facilitate mind training (cognitive development) through Yoga, Meditation, psycho-therapy exercises,
- Improve quality of life of target community through mobilization of local resource and means and enable their access to external resources,
- Sensitize & capacitate duty-bearers on matters of responsibility and accountability while providing services to right holders,
- Enhance capability, empower right-holders through capacity building, skill development, knowledge transfer and networking,
- Sensitize and empower community people on women and child right issues,
- Conduct activities on conflict transformation into sustainable peace,
- Conduct activities in promotion of communal harmony and religious tolerance.
- Conduct activities on disaster/natural hazard risk reduction, preparedness and relief
- Work for Farmers’ Rights and Food Security
Project Overview:
Essential Health Project (EHP) is being implemented by Kalika Self-Reliance Social Center (KSSC-Nepal) since 2019 in partnership with FAIRMED Foundation Nepal. In the fiscal year 2019/020 program had covered total 18 municipalities from Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi and Rupendehi (where 10 municipality of Kapilvastu, 4 municipality of Rupandehi & 4 municipality of Nawalparasi district). But going to the fiscal year 2021 program coverage have contracted down to only in 10 municipalities of Kapilvastu district (6 Municipality and 4 Rural Municipality).
The main objective of the project is to improve primary health care service system with integrated Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs) and Maternal Neonatal Health (MNH) services in the targeted Municipalities of Lumbini province, Kapilvastu district. Similarly this program works for WASH, Disability and GESI as it’s cross cutting theme.
Project goals, geographical focus and target group
Project Goal:
The overall goal of project is to improve the health status of communities through accountable and equitable health service delivery system in selected municipalities of Lumbini Province.
Project Objective:
1) To strengthen the health management system of health institutions.
2) To increase the capacity of health human resources.
3) To increase the access to the services provided to the community and to improve the quality.
4) To increase the awareness of the target community and empower them to use health services.
Suaahara II is a five-year (2016-2021), $63 million integrated program dedicated to improving the health and nutrition status of women and children who fall within the 1,000 days period, from conception until a child reaches 24 months of age. This period is recognized as the crucial timeframe during which nutritional interventions have optimal impact on child growth and development. In selected districts, Suaahara II will support the Government of Nepal (GON) in expanding health and nutrition services that target adolescents. In particular, the project will address anemia, reproductive health, menstrual hygiene, food diversity, social attitudes towards delayed marriage and pregnancy, and health service utilization. Suaahara II will also collaborate with existing projects and private sector groups towards shared objectives.
- Promote key Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) practices through an intensive behavior change strategy, including interpersonal communication activities, radio programs, and the use of mobile technology at the community level.
- Expand coverage of the community-based integrated management of newborn and childhood illness program and strengthen growth monitoring and promotion at outreach clinics and health facilities.
- Enhance clean water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions of household facilities and establish private sector linkages to promote WASH technologies.
- Improve consumption of nutritious food through increased production, improved post-harvest storage, and processing diverse nutritious food, especially for women farmers from disadvantaged groups.
- Strengthen coordination on health and nutrition between government and other stakeholders through the Food Security and Nutrition Coordination Committee, Nepal Nutrition Group, Nutrition Technical Committee, Safe Motherhood sub- committee, Family Planning Sub -committee, and Reproductive Health Coordination Committee.
- Strengthen the technical, managerial, operational capacity of health and non-health sector stakeholders at the district and ward levels to enhance MSNP implementation.